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Array Methods In Java

Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024

Array Methods In Java

In this article we will show you the solution of array methods in java, the Arrays class is found in the Java language. A package called util is used by the Java Collection Framework.

Java arrays can be dynamically constructed and invoked thanks to the Array class's static methods. Now switch to the Java Array method.

Step By Step Guide On Array Methods In Java :-

Java contains the Arrays class. To the Java Collection Framework, the util package belongs For both creating and firmly entering Java arrays, the Array class provides static techniques.

Only static methods and methods from the Object class are available for arrays.

Java Class Methods for Arrays

Numerous static methods are available in the Arrays class of the java.util package and can be used to fill, sort, search, etc. in arrays.

  1. asList(): Returns a fixed- size list backed by the delivered Arrays applying the asList() function.
  2. binarySearch(): To look for the supplied element in the array, binarySearch() employs the Binary Search Algorithm.
  3. binarySearch( array, fromIndex, toIndex, key, Comparator): With the help of the Binary Search Algorithm, binarySearch(array, fromIndex, toIndex, key, Comparator) looks for the specified item in a section of the supplied array.
  4. compare(array 1, array 2): It compares the two arrays supplied as inputs.
  5. copyOf( originalArray, newLength): Duplicates the presented array, trimming or padding( as applicable) to produce the copy the asked length.
  6. copyOfRange(originalArray, fromIndex, endIndex): Copies the specified range of the supplied array into a new Arrays with the copyOfRange arguments (originalArray, fromIndex, endIndex).
  7. deepEquals(Object[] a1, Object[] a2): This function indicates whether two objects are deeply equal to one another by returning true.
  8. deepHashCode(Object[] a): Generates a hash code from the "deep contents" of the Arrays.
  9. deepToString( Object() a): Produces a string representation of the Arrays'" deep themes."
  10. equals( array1, array2): The value returned by equals(array1, array2) indicates whether or not the two arrays are unaltered.
  11. fill(originalArray, fillValue): Fill the original array with this fill value by calling fill(originalArray, fillValue).
  12. hashCode( originalArray): The integer hashcode of the array representation is returned by hashCode(originalArray).
  13. mismatch(array1, array2): Identifies the first element in the two specified arrays that is not a match and returns its index. parallelPrefix( originalArray, fromIndex, endIndex, functionalOperator) parallelPrefixes the initial array for the delivered range of the array applying the functional operator defined
  14. parallelPrefix(originalArray, operator): Does parallelPrefix for the entire array using the functional operator given (originalArray, operator).
  15. parallelSetAll( originalArray, functionalGenerator): Utilising the presented generator function, parallelSetAll( originalArray, functionalGenerator) sets every element in this array concurrently.
  16. parallelSort(originalArray): Sorts the given array using parallel sort with the syntax parallelSort(originalArray).
  17. setAll(originalArray, functionalGenerator): Using the provided generator function, setAll(originalArray, functionalGenerator) sets all the elements of the specified array.
  18. sort(originalArray): Uses the function sort to arrange the original array's elements in ascending order (originalArray).
  19. sort(originalArray, fromIndex, endIndex): Sorts the original array in ascending order using the arguments fromIndex, endIndex, and originalArray.
  20. sort(T[] a, int fromIndex, int toIndex, Comparator super T> c): Utilises the following syntax to sort the range of the supplied array of objects in the order produced by the specified comparator: (T[] a, int fromIndex, int toIndex, Comparator super T> c) is a sorting formula.
  21. sort(T[] a, Comparator< super T> c): Sorts the supplied array of objects in the order produced by the specified comparator using the formula sort(T[] a, Comparator super T> c).
  22. spliterator(originalArray): Produces a Spliterator that includes every Array in the supplied list.
  23. spliterator(originalArray, fromIndex, endIndex): Spliterator of the type of the array covering the defined range of the specified arrays is produced by the function spliterator(originalArray, fromIndex, endIndex).
  24. stream(originalArray): stream(originalArray): Produces a stream that is sequential and has the given array as its source.
import java.util.Arrays;

public class Array {
public static void main(String[] args)
int Arr[] = { 11, 3, 21, 43 };
System.out.println("The Integer Array as a List = "+ Arrays.asList(Arr));
  1. We create the program using asList() method.
  2. In the first line of code we use java util package.
  3. After that we create the public class named as Array.
  4. Then we create the array using int data type.
  5. Then we convert the elements from list using aslist() method with the help of system.out.println.

Conclusion :-

Hence we have successfully learnt the concept of array methods in java.

Moreover, we observe As a result, we can say that the java.util.

Numerous static methods for sorting and searching arrays, comparing arrays, and filling array items may be found in the Arrays class.

For all of the primitive types, each of these methods is overloaded.

Additionally, an array is used to store data; nevertheless, the fact that an array is a group of variables with the same data type is advantageous.

I hope this article on array methods in java helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.

Author Image About Anjali

Experienced Computer Programmer with a broad range of experience in technology. Strengths in application development and Object Oriented architecture design, front end programming, usability and multimedia technology. Expert in coding languages such as C, C++ Java, JavaScript, PHP and more.

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