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Abstract Method In Java

Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024

Abstract Method In Java

In this article we will show you the solution of abstract method in java, in object oriented programming, abstraction is an important concept that allows us to create generic classes and define behavior without specifying the implementation.

As a programming language, Java provides a concept for soft information from an abstract point of view.

In this tutorial, we'll examine abstractions in Java and see how they can help build models and extensions.

This tutorial is designed to provide a better understanding of abstract concepts in Java.

We will begin by discussing the concept of abstraction and its importance in software development.

We will delve deeper into the concepts and applications of abstract concepts, exploring how they can help create flexible and reusable code.

Finally, we will demonstrate the use of abstraction through an example.

We will follow the previous step to understand the concept of soft information.

First, we will define an abstract class and explain the syntax for declaring abstracts in it. Next, we will create a subclass that extends the abstract class.

This subclass will use the abstract method that provides the appropriate context. Finally, we will show you how to call and use digest in the program.

Step By Step Guide On Abstract Method In Java :-

abstract class Shape {
   abstract void draw();
class Square extends Shape {
   void draw() {
      System.out.println("Drawing a square...");
public class Main {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      Square square = new square();
  1. First we define an abstract class named "Shape" using the keyword "abstract"
  2. In the "Shape" class, we declare an abstract method called "draw()" using the keyword "abstract". This method has no reference point.
  3. Next we create a subclass called "Square" which extends the abstract class "Shape".
  4. In the "Square" class, we override the "draw()" method with the "void draw()" metho
  5. In class "Main" we initialize an object of class "Square" named "square".
  6. Finally, we call the "draw()" method of the "Square" object and the "Square is drawn..." For the console.

Conclusion :-

Abstraction systems play an important role in implementing abstraction and generating code in Java.

They allow us to define conventions for classes to follow without specifying the implementation.

Using abstractions, we can create flexible and extensible systems where concrete subclasses provide their own references to abstractions defined in classes.

This ensures code reusability, improves security, and supports a clear separation of concerns in our software design. Understanding and using good abstractions will help to write and design Java well.

I hope this article on abstract method in java helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.

Author Image About Ashish

Ashish is a dynamic and motivated individual with a passion of programming and an experienced programmer having 3+ years of experience in various languages like Java, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and various frameworks like Bootstrap

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