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jQuery Events

jQuery Events is used to trigger some operations when a something happens like on mouse over an element, button clicked etc.

There are many kind of events like change, mouseover, click, dbclick, focus etc.

Some Common Events are:











All jQuery Events

  • mousedown( fn ) is used to binds a function to the mousedown event of each matched element.

  • mouseenter( fn ) is used to bind a function to the mouseenter event of each matched element.

  • mouseleave( fn ) is used to bind a function to the mouseleave event of each matched element.

  • mousemove( fn ) is used to bind a function to the mousemove event of each matched element.

  • mouseout( fn ) is used to bind a function to the mouseout event of each matched element.

  • mouseover( fn ) is used to bind a function to the mouseover event of each matched element.

  • mouseup( fn ) is used to bind a function to the mouseup event of each matched element.

  • click( ) is used to triggers the click event of each matched element.

  • click( fn ) is used to binds a function to the click event of each matched element.

  • dblclick( ) is used to triggers the dblclick event of each matched element.

  • dblclick( fn ) is used to binds a function to the dblclick event of each matched element.

  • keydown( ) is used to triggers the keydown event of each matched element.

  • keydown( fn ) is used to bind a function to the keydown event of each matched element.

  • keypress( ) is used to triggers the keypress event of each matched element.

  • keypress( fn ) is used to binds a function to the keypress event of each matched element.

  • keyup( ) is used to triggers the keyup event of each matched element.

  • keyup( fn ) is used to bind a function to the keyup event of each matched element.

  • blur( ) is used to triggers the blur event of each matched element.

  • blur( fn ) is used to bind a function to the blur event of each matched element.

  • change( ) is used to triggers the change event of each matched element.

  • change( fn ) is used to binds a function to the change event of each matched element.

  • error( ) is used to triggers the error event of each matched element.

  • error( fn ) is used to binds a function to the error event of each matched element.

  • focus( ) is used to triggers the focus event of each matched element.

  • focus( fn ) is used to binds a function to the focus event of each matched element.

  • load( fn ) is used to binds a function to the load event of each matched element.

  • resize( fn ) is used to bind a function to the resize event of each matched element.

  • scroll( fn ) is used to bind a function to the scroll event of each matched element.

  • select( ) is used to trigger the select event of each matched element.

  • select( fn ) is used to bind a function to the select event of each matched element.

  • submit( ) is used to trigger the submit event of each matched element.

  • submit( fn ) is used to bind a function to the submit event of each matched element.

  • unload( fn ) is used to binds a function to the unload event of each matched element.

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