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Sticky Footer Using jQuery And CSSSticky Footer is always be the main issue in web design it is difficult to create a footer that always remain in bottom and function properly and same on different screen sizes we solve that problem...

Tags - jQuery,CSS,HTML | Published On - 1 Jul 23

Disable AutoComplete Form Using jQueryWhen you type in any form field by default you will see word suggestions based on your previous submitted text sometimes user don't want to see these suggestions so in this tutorial we will show you...

Tags - jQuery,HTML | Published On - 1 Jul 23

Create Simple Image Editor Using jQuery, HTML5 And CSSIn this tutorial we will show you how to create a simple image editor using jQuery, HTML5 and CSS.We use different CSS filter like Grayscale, Blur, Exposure(brightness), Sepia and Opacity to edit th...

Tags - jQuery,HTML5,CSS | Published On - 1 Jul 23

Login Form With Shake Animation Effect Using jQuery And CSS3In this tutorial we will show you how to create a login form with shake animation effect using jQuery and CSS3. If user entered wrong details in login form then login form shake with animation...

Tags - jQuery,CSS3,HTML | Published On - 1 Jul 23

Curtain Opening Effect Using jQuery And CSSIn this tutorial we will show you how to create a curtain opening effect using jQuery and CSS. You have seen in many shows and dramas the curtains on the stage moves to left and right side on show s...

Tags - jQuery,CSS | Published On - 1 Jul 23

Enable Disable Submit Button Using jQueryIn this tutorial we will show you how to enable and disable submit button using jQuery.We disabled the button in start and user have to fill all the fields to enable the submit button.This method is...

Tags - jQuery,HTML | Published On - 1 Jul 23

Ajax Contact Form Using jQuery, PHP And MySQLAjax Contact Form is form made for contact purpose it used to submit contact details without page refresh in database using Ajax. So, in this tutorial we will show you how to create ajax contact for...

Tags - jQuery,Ajax,PHP,MySQL | Published On - 1 Jul 23

Detect URL In Input Using jQueryIn this tutorial we will show you how to detect URL in input using jQuery.When user type the text in textarea and if the text having URL in it then it will display error...

Tags - jQuery,HTML | Published On - 1 Jul 23

Ajax Pagination Using jQuery, PHP And MySQLIn this tutorial we will show you how to create ajax based pagination using jQuery, PHP and MySQL.Now the user can load the records without page refresh using ajax...

Tags - jQuery,Ajax,PHP,MySQL | Published On - 1 Jul 23

Create Sticky Header Using jQuery And CSSSticky Header is a term generally used for page header which is stick or fixed at the top and does not scroll with the page that make the header always visible to user while scrolling the page. So i...

Tags - jQuery,CSS | Published On - 1 Jul 23