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Cache Dynamic Pages Using PHPIn this tutorial we will show you how to cache dynamic pages using php.PHP cache is based in a set mechanism.It starts when user request the webpage we check if that cache webpage is present in our ...

Tags - PHP | Published On - 1 Jul 23

Embed CKEditor In HTML Page Using JavaScriptText Editor is always one of the important choice of website publisher because it is the only medium where your user connect with you on your website by means of writing comments, asking questions o...

Tags - JavaScript,HTML,PHP | Published On - 1 Jul 23

Display Latest Twitter Status Using PHPIn this tutorial we will show you how to display your latest twitter status using PHP.There are many websites which uses this feature in their website to keep updated their user from latest status o...

Tags - PHP | Published On - 1 Jul 23

Check URL Existence Using PHPIn this tutorial we will show you how to check url existence using PHP.There are many times when user submit url for information and other user won't be able to go that webpage just because the url ...

Tags - PHP,HTML | Published On - 1 Jul 23

Ajax Contact Form Using jQuery, PHP And MySQLAjax Contact Form is form made for contact purpose it used to submit contact details without page refresh in database using Ajax. So, in this tutorial we will show you how to create ajax contact for...

Tags - jQuery,Ajax,PHP,MySQL | Published On - 1 Jul 23

Send Mail With Attachments Using PHPThere are times when you want to send mail with attachments but that process is very hard and there is no surity of delivering of your mail with attachments but now this process becomes easy and bes...

Tags - PHP,HTML | Published On - 1 Jul 23

Ajax Pagination Using jQuery, PHP And MySQLIn this tutorial we will show you how to create ajax based pagination using jQuery, PHP and MySQL.Now the user can load the records without page refresh using ajax...

Tags - jQuery,Ajax,PHP,MySQL | Published On - 1 Jul 23

Get Facebook Like, Share And Comment Count Using PHPNow getting Facebook data like facebook likes, facebook share, facebook comment count is easy just because of facebook new api you only need to pass webpage URL and in return you will get URL likes,...

Tags - PHP,HTML | Published On - 1 Jul 23

Create Zip File After Upload Using PHPIn this tutorial we will show you how to create zip file after upload using php and php inbuilt zip library.Zip files are very useful for copy from one directory to another you can add infinite file...

Tags - PHP,HTML | Published On - 1 Jul 23

Add, Edit And Delete Records Using jQuery, Ajax, PHP And MySQLIn this tutorial we will show you how to add, edit and delete records using jQuery, Ajax, PHP and MySQL.In this way you can do any modification in MySQL database dynamically means without refreshing...

Tags - jQuery,Ajax,PHP,MySQL | Published On - 1 Jul 23